Unlike many states that have only one way to meet your financial liability obligation when it comes to car accidents, Missouri gives you your choice of ways to show that you are able to meet the need if, and/or when it arises.

The first option is traditional car insurance. If you choose to go this way you will have to have a 25/50/10 policy. This requires that you have $25,000 in bodily injury coverage for one person in an accident, $50,000 bodily injury coverage for all persons in the same accident, and $10,000 to cover the expenses that will arise from property being repaired or replaced.

At LowestQuotes.com, you get information on what is available to you for your driving record, and other criterion that will be used to determine what your policy will cost you. You enter your information once and you get a return of various quotes for the same type of coverage, as well as other coverages you may want to consider.

If you do not want to purchase auto insurance, you can purchase a bond in the amount of $60,000. Take a word of caution here for those who think that this may be the better option. Bonds are not cheap. You will have to leave a bond or an equivalent deposit with the Department of Revenue for Missouri for $60,000.

The third option that you have is you can file a real estate bond for the same amount with the Department of Revenue. Again, this is probably not the lesser of all evils, as it were. Do you really want to put your house up to cover expenses in case you have a bad accident which is inadvertently your fault?

The State of Missouri goes right after your driver’s license if you do not have at least the minimum car insurance required in force at all time you have a registered vehicle. You can have four points added to your license (that’s a lot), have the state monitor your driving by placing you under supervision, or have your license suspended. None are a great option.

Standing out for something is not a bad thing, like being a resident of a bellwether state. You really don’t want to stand out for not having car insurance though, that’s not the kind of attention anybody wants or needs. So Compare Insurance Rates now and see how much you can save on your auto insurance today!